Zane Furtado won IAB in a walk

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Acquire Online programmatic director Zane Furtado last night walked away from the inaugural IAB Awards dinner at Motat with the Grand Prix tucked under his belt – the result of a strong performance the Senior Ad-Ops category.

Points were awarded to all category winners, but Furtado’s were exceptional, IAB ceo Adrian Pickstock told M+AD. “They were the highest by some margin,” he said.

The IAB Awards recognises the champions of the interactive media sales industry. With a strong focus on NZ publishers, the awards programme celebrates the stars of interactive media sales and ad-operations across a broad range of categories.

Reflecting the importance of the creatives behind the sales, the programme included four digitally-led creative categories.

The awards also honoured the pioneers of the online industry in a one-off Foundation Award which recognised the leaders that helped shaped the interactive industry to become the largest advertising category in the country.

Furtado’s prize includes a four-day trip to the US + tickets to attend Ad:Tech in New York.


Digital Media Sales Excellence (Mobile): Stephanie Tucker, 1st Screen
Digital Media Sales Excellence (Display): Stephen Old, Pandora
Digital Media Sales Excellence (Video): Jacquie Fraser, Exponential
Digital Media Sales Excellence (Search): Jared de Wet, PHD
Junior Ad-Ops Person of the Year: Ashwin Sundaram, Acquire Online
Senior Ad-Ops Person of the Year: Zane Furtado, Acquire Online
Digital Product of the Year: Near Allspark Platform, MADE Media
Best Digital Led Campaign – Use of Mobile: Frucor V Pure i-Vid, 1st Screen/OMD
Best Digital Led Campaign – Use of Data: Gifts That Go Places, Qassem Naim, FCB
Best Digital Led Campaign – Use of Native: Xero Life Over Business, Jaimee Kivell, Bauer
Best Digital Led Campaign by an Advertiser: The Many Faces of Tiguan, Kate Grigg, FCB
Grand Prix: Zane Furtado, Acquire Online
Foundation Award recipients: Alisa Higgins, John Scholfield, Josh Borthwick, Laura Maxwell, Lee Williams (in absentia), Liz Fraser, Nick Boulstridge, Peter Henning, Sarah Kavanagh, Siobhan McKenna, Spencer Bailey, Toni Knowles.

The awards were sponsored by ComScore

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