Two Supremes in four years

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For the second time in four years, creative agency Rainger & Rolfe – in association with clients BP and the AA – on Thursday won the Supreme TVNZ NZ Marketing Award for the best marketing programme of the year.

“Yes it’s a fantastic thrill,” says R&R managing partner Ant Rainger. “But this kind of recognition is always a team effort and a team award and we certainly feel incredibly lucky to be able to work with great clients like BP (2014) and the AA (2018).

“It’s our second Supreme in four years, something no other agency has achieved.

“It’s our second Supreme in four years, something no other agency has achieved.”

“The 2018 Supreme Award was for the launch of AA Home, a joint venture between the NZ Automobile Association and AA Insurance Ltd – and it proved to be another powerful strategic evolution of the AA business.

“Ultimately it was a great idea, thoroughly researched and it culminated in a compelling consumer proposition. ‘Mr Reliable’ and the launch communications was just the icing on the cake.

“Massive acknowledgement must go to Dougal Swift, Richard Park, Sarah Gibson, Louise Burgess, Kunal Kumar, Marina Strbac and Georgina Arona.”

For the record, AA Home won four TVNZ Marketing Awards including the Supreme Award.

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