30 livewires front for TEDxAuckland


In just four days, 30 innovators and global action makers will take the TEDxAuckland stage at Shed 10 on Auckland’s waterfront.

This year’s theme Flipside speaks to the perspective you get from seeing an old problem in a new way, sidestepping power structures, gender, race, and geography and turning hierarchies on their head, putting ideas ahead of ideology.

Held over two days, the fully catered TEDxAuckland 2016 is an ideas festival bringing in many local food and beverage producers, chefs and sponsors and partners in an effort to create a world class event.

TEDxAuckland runs from 3pm to 9pm this Thursday (5 May) and 9am to 3pm on Friday 6 May, followed by a long lunch and after party.

New speakers and performers just announced include:

  • Adrien Taylor – journalist / turned entrepreneur
  • Grace Clapham – vision chaser / entrepreneur / cultural weaver
  • Ian McCrae – founder / engineer / lapsed mathematician
  • Megan May – chef / environment / health
  • Michael Moka – entrepreneur / indigenous leader / business re-thinker
  • Minnie Baragwanath – ceo and co-founder / social change-maker
  • Modern Maori Quartet – Maori showband / contemporary & indigenous entertainment
  • Richard Aston – social entrepreneur / rebel / optimist
  • Solonia Teodros – humanist / entrepreneur / global citizen
  • Toby Carr – entrepreneur / business leader / visionary
  • Jayne Bailey – charity founder / mentor / adventurer
  • David Drummond – entrepreneur / engineer / thinker
  • Barbara Breen – conservationist / geographer / social ecologist
  • Vaughan Rowsell – entrepreneur / weirdo / technologist
  • James Bergin – innovator / intrapreneur / dad
  • Alison Mau – journalist / broadcaster / author
  • Jess Holly Bates – artist / critic / auntie
  • Richard Little – entrepreneur / inventor / dreamer

A full list of speakers, bios and a schedule of the talks can be found at www.tedxauckland.com.

One-day and full event tickets are selling fast, and TEDxAuckland’s licensee Elliott Blade says there are almost twice the number of talks this year and it has been a massive privilege dealing with the diversity of ideas and global element to them.

“Not only will attendees come along for an incredible theatre experience with local and international speakers. We’re having a special two-hour long lunch on the Friday afternoon, facilitating thought-provoking conversation over fine wine and food.

“Producing TEDxAuckland is a collaborative effort and this year the team is proud to be working with these organisations: Principle Partners Spark and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development; Major Partner AUT University; and Supporting Partners Panuku Development Auckland, Warehouse Stationery and Genesis Energy.”

Tickets for Thursday’s talks and Food Trucks are $130 each. Tickets for Friday’s talks and the special long lunch are $180 each. Full event tickets are $280. Buy at www.iticket.co.nz.

About TEDx
The TEDx programme is designed to help communities, organisations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED-like experiences.

About TED
TED is a non-profit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world. TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. TED says it believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.

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