Creative LIAsons tap Colenso man for Vegas

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Colenso BBDO planner Ed Gunn will represent New Zealand at the 4th annual invitation-only Creative LIAisons which runs alongside the LIA International Awards judging in Las Vegas in October.

Campaign Brief says Creative LIAisons is a week of educational and enriching seminars, lunches and dinners, all shared with the jury presidents and their juries. “The days are filled with stimulating discussions centred on the experiences and ideas of the speakers in their respective fields,” the CB site says.

“Not only are the attendees being given the opportunity to listen to some of the industry’s biggest names, but they’re invited to sit in with the juries on the statue discussions. This represents a unique opportunity for the young creatives to learn the judging process at a relatively tender age.

“One hundred lucky young creatives have been hand-picked and presented with the opportunity of a lifetime – to sneak behind the scenes and immerse themselves in the judging process for one of the industry’s most well-respected awards.”

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