Interactive reaches new heights

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Interactive Advertising continues to grow in New Zealand with the latest IAB/PwC Online Advertising Report noting that it generated a record $184.73 million in Q2, 2015, a 30% increase year on year.

The Display category grew by 21% year on year, reaching an all-time quarterly high of $37.5m. Increases in Video Advertising (20%) and, significantly, Programmatic Advertising (124%) underpinned this growth.

Search & Directories once again saw escalation growing by 46% year on year reaching $105 million over the period.

Mobile advertising continued its meteoric climb, generating $6.15m in the quarter a year on year increase of 132%.

The report shows this growth has been driven by smartphones, with phone based advertising revenue increasing 189% year over year, while tablet revenue grew 6% in the same period. Overall mobile advertising expenditure now makes up 3.3% of total online advertising expenditure and “presents a marketers with a fantastic opportunity to extend their brands’ reach in a largely uncluttered environment”.

Half-year revenues for the New Zealand interactive industry reached $365 million – a 44% increase year on year.

The IAB/PwC Report was established in 2007 and is the pre-eminent source of New Zealand interactive and mobile advertising spend provided by 35 advertising agencies and publishers.

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