DDB, Lion salute the Team With No Name

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DDB and its client Lion are, predictably, pushing the All Blacks envelope with a Steinlager “footy” promotion that tiptoes all around the ABS – but never mentions their name (being a domestic brand, Steinlager is not – officially – involved with the RWC).

“Watching the footy at night and toasting the team with a cold Steinlager white can, it’s a classic Kiwi past time,” says Lion beer marketing manager Ben Wheeler.

“Likewise, toasting and breakfast also go hand in hand, usually with a bit of Marmite and most of the time … a little burnt.

“With the games currently being played in the small hours of the morning, your team needs you to share your belief a little earlier than usual.

“Steinlager has responded to the call of the nation by introducing the Steinlatte, aka “the cup to bring it home.”

With 20,000 disposable cups being supplied to bars and restaurants, Steinlatte coffee cups will be available throughout the country to give rugby fans another way to help them show their support, and of course, give them something to grip hold of (in the tense moments).

“Steinlager has always supported Kiwis doing great things on the world stage so it’s only appropriate that the iconic white can – a symbol of belief – take on a different format to accommodate morning supporters.”


Client: Lion
Category Marketing Director – Beer at Lion: Ben Wheeler
Steinlager Assistant Brand Manager: Benafsha Hajati
Agency: DDB
Chief Creative Officer: Damon Stapleton
Executive Creative Officer: Shane Bradnick
Senior Copywriter: Rory McKechnie
Senior Art Director: Nicole Sykes
Designer: Jason Vertongen
Senior Account Director: Jenny Travers
Public Relations: the pr shop
Account Director: Pippa Lekner
Account Manager:  Tom Frankish
Media: ZenithOptimedia
Group Business Director: Alex Lawson
Senior Media Planner: Kate Gamble

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