MDS AdSchool students have won gold, silver and bronze at the International Crowbar Awards. The gongs came in the copywriting, print, art direction, direct mail, ambient and cinematography categories.
“We always enter student work in the international competitions because we think it is important to get our guys benchmarking their work beyond these shores, but this year’s haul from the Crowbars has been one of our largest” says AdSchool CD Kate Humphries.
“And the good news is, we’ve not only kept up our seven-year run of winning the top copy award, we also won two copywriting awards this year – one of which was a big fat gold [only six golds in total were handed out this year despite thousands of entries].
“Anyone wanting a look at the winning work can view it a week on Tuesday at our end-of-year show on Tuesday 17 November, which this year will be upstairs at Mexico in Britomart. The invites are almost ready and should be with you early next week.”
Meanwhile, AUT Adschool CD Paul White says they didn’t enter the Crowbars this year. “Saving ourselves for D&AD New Bloods,” he said.
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