Retarget market returns to ad:tech

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Retargeting outfit AdRoll drew a lot of interest at NZME’s ad:tech earlier in the week. “This year’s ad:tech was smaller and more compact than last year,” said Sydney-based managing director Ben Sharp. “For us, this meant more engagement.”

Sharp is a regular visitor to NZ, where AdRoll has around 70 clients, including Ogilvy, Open Polytechnic, and

He was a presenter this year. His topic: Retargeting and Programmatic.

AdRoll is US-owned company with offices in six countries, including Australia – but not NZ. “We’re very interested in opening an office in Auckland – and this will eventually happen,” Sharp says. “But we’d first need to establish a team here.

“At the moment, it works better with regular Transtasman visits – leaving the follow-up work to our team in Sydney.

“Retargeting translates first-party customer data about website visitor behaviour into highly relevant, targeted advertising campaigns,” Sharp says. “In addition to the instant benefit of more targeted ad campaigns, this can give savvy marketers tremendous insight into the interests and intent of their customers.

“Retargeting converts window-shoppers into buyers. Generally 2% of shoppers convert on the first visit to an online store. Retargeting brings back the other 98%, by keeping track of people who visit your site and displaying retargeting ads to them as they visit other sites online.

“Technically all that is necessary is to place a JavaScript tag in the footer of your website. This code creates a list of people that visit the site by placing anonymous retargeting cookies in their browser.

“This list allows AdRoll (or other retargeting vendors) to display retargeting ads to potential customers as they visit other sites. Since AdRoll works with the largest ad exchanges, they can retarget customers just about anywhere they might go online.”

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