APAC Positive Change Effies entry call

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Entries open Tuesday week (December 15) for the second annual Asia Pacific Positive Change Effie Awards, run in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. Work that ran in Asia Pacific between 1 August 2014 and 31 October 2015 is eligible to enter the 2016 competition.

The entry deadline is Thursday 28 January 2016.

The Positive Change Effie Awards recognises and celebrates the most effective marketing programmes that have measurably shifted audience (B2B or B2C) behaviour toward more environmentally sustainable choices, and/or grown demand for more sustainable products and services by incorporating sustainability as a part of their marketing communications.

Efforts entered must have one core strategic objective to be to change the behaviour its audience towards more environmentally sustainable choices. Sustainability must be a part of the marketing messaging.  A clear set of KPIs must be provided, and all data and claims must cite verifiable sources.  Entrants should address how the sustainability goal relates back to the overall brand strategy.

APAC is one of five global divisions for the Positive Change Effies 2016 – the others are Europe, Middle East & North Africa, North America, Latin America

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