Wanted: beer-drinkers to help save the entire world

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Beer-drinkers of New Zealand: In 2015 a true Kiwi invention was born when DB Export brought us DB Export Brewtroleum, a high grade biofuel made from the by-product of beer. This year, DB – with a little help from Colenso BBDO and OMG’s brand-building PR agency Spark PR & Activate, with communications strategy from Spark PHD – is asking us to drink DB Export so that DB Export Brewtroleum can make its return and “we can continue to save the entire world”.

Colenso is currently working on a new campaign, due for release shortly. Spark PHD with the Communications Strategy

“While it’s a sacrifice, DB Export believes Kiwi beer-drinkers will take on their duty help to save the polar bears, fight global warming and create a more environmentally-friendly world,” says DB head of domestic beer marketing Sean O’Donnell.

“This is a call to arms to New Zealand: drink DB Export and help replenish the country’s supply of DB Export Brewtroleum, a biofuel that is better for the planet.”

Made using ethanol derived from brewing DB Export, Brewtroleum is the same as any biofuel: it emits 8% less carbon than traditional petroleum and delivers the same high performance as Gull’s Force 10.

This year’s goal is to create another batch of DB Export Brewtroleum that will be available at select petrol stations to be used in any combustion engine that runs on petrol.

DB Export Brewtroleum is an instance of Kiwi ingenuity thought up over a round of beers.

“Last year, drinkers of DB Export helped us create DB Export Brewtroleum, a high grade biofuel made from the by-products of brewing beer, that was sold in 62 Gull petrol stations across the country,” O’Donnell said. “This summer, we’re counting on the beer-drinking men of New Zealand to help us save the world, again, by drinking DB Export for us to make another batch of biofuel.”

So New Zealand, charge your glasses and let’s toast to a nation of beer-drinking heroes who are helping to save the entire world.

  • The Science TVC featured above ran with the original campaign in June last year.

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