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M+AD had the pleasure of sitting next to Adshel’s new digital & technology sales manager Rick Goodwin at last week’s Axis Awards – the small talk was interesting, but what really got our attention was the realisation that Goodwin had moved from a high-tech digital medium (Yahoo NZ) to a good old-fashioned print/display medium. A step backwards?

This rationale, of course, is flawed. Adshel may have historically been recognised as a poster company – but it’s also an increasingly digital one, with state-of-the-art digital displays utilising ultra-high-definition imagery going into bus shelters at an exponential rate.

Now it all becomes clear – Adshel has a growing need for advertising technologists like Goodwin. In the week following Axis, we discussed his role in further detail.

Why did you leave Yahoo?
I really enjoyed my three years with Yahoo, working and learning from some of the best talent in the New Zealand digital industry. It was my first job in media sales, after roles in traditional and digital agencies (NZ and UK), but it was time to tackle a new challenge.

I’d heard that Adshel were looking to invest heavily into the digital component of their business (Adshel Live) in 2016 – so had a chat with the sales and marketing director Ben Gibb (whom I had worked with previously with at Yahoo), and now here I am.

What made you move away from digital to one of the oldest mediums there is (Outdoor)?
I would actually say that I’ve moved into one of the most exciting and evolving mediums in advertising!

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) is the only medium outside online that is experiencing significant growth. Not only has DOOH completely revolutionised outdoor advertising, but the increased opportunities in data/targeting has transformed outdoor campaign effectiveness.

Adshel’s recently announced investments in digital and data, including the expansion of its national DOOH and beacons network, the launch of Adsmart and the integration of Helix Personas, all providing even greater opportunities for advertisers and I’m really looking forward to being part of this business’ growth.

What does your new job entail?
Adshel have taken me on board as their digital and technology sales manager, responsible for the Adshel Live product, where I’ve been working closely with Ben and the team in developing the Go-To-Market strategy for the launch of New Zealand’s largest digital roadside network in Q3.

DOOH is still relatively in its infancy in New Zealand so I’ll be working with agencies in educating them on the benefits of the medium including campaign flexibility at scale through dynamic and contextual messaging.

In 2015/2016, the lines of agency responsibility are becoming more and more blurred, where digital and traditional teams, who’ve previously worked in silos, are now becoming one.

This is providing us with a great opportunity to leverage the strategy and capabilities of online campaigns, in an outdoor environment.

Enjoying it?
Really enjoying it! The proliferation of data integration opportunities, layered with dynamic messaging capabilities, and constantly evolving tech … are all looking to make the next few years of DOOH really exciting in New Zealand.

“The team is expanding at Adshel, with more and more resource being pushed towards in-demand areas of the business, and I think we’re in a great position to work with agencies on some amazing campaigns.

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