Refresh for NZ Motorsport Media Awards

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The annual MotorSport New Zealand Media Awards have been expanded as part of the organisation’s efforts to lift the profile of motorsport with the country’s media and sports fans.

The awards are now open to all media, not just journalists and photographers who have official MotorSport NZ media accreditation. This year’s MSNZ Media Awards also include a new category for public relations personnel.

“The overarching goal of the MotorSport New Zealand Media Awards is to promote and recognise the coverage of New Zealand motorsport news and imagery in the media, particularly mainstream media,” says MSNZ ceo Brian Budd.

“With this goal in mind, we have opened up all award categories for entries from any journalist or photographer representing a recognised media outlet, and not limiting the awards to only accredited media.

“We have also created a new award for motorsport PR communicator of the year in recognition of the fact that without the many PR people who work with teams and/or events around New Zealand, the level of media coverage of motorsport would be considerably less than it is now.”

MSNZ appointed public relations professional Kate Gordon-Smith, of Relish Communications late in 2015 and Budd credits the initiative for the widening of awards criteria to her.

“Many thousands of motorsport items appear in news media around New Zealand every year, but most are not created by media representatives accredited with us, the criteria for which is largely related to safety.

“Having worked with media and PR professionals to promote motorsport in New Zealand for more than 20 years, Kate suggested the value of recognising the very significant role that PR personnel have in creating much of the content our sport’s fans enjoy across the web, print publications, radio and television.

“We agreed, and look forward to the opportunity to acknowledge and recognise these members of our motorsport family and the contribution they make to supporting our competitors, teams, events and championships through their efforts.”

The five MotorSport New Zealand media awards are:

  • 2016 Motorsport Feature Journalist of the Year
  • 2016 Motorsport News Journalist of the Year
  • 2016 Motorsport Photographer of the Year
  • The 2016 President’s Award for single best photograph
  • 2016 Motorsport PR Communicator of the Year

MSNZ also asks media for their nominations for the Motorsport Personality of the Year award (past winners include multiple Porsche champion Craig Baird, Kiwi racing legend Kenny Smith, long-time motorsport supporter & sponsor Sir Colin Giltrap, commentator Bob McMurray, race series organiser Barry Thomlinson and motor racing star Mike Pero.

Entries for the 2016 MotorSport New Zealand media awards are now open and will close on Friday 29 April. The awards will be presented at the MSNZ awards night at Te Papa, Wellington on Saturday 28 May.

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