Facebook additions aim to help business

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News this week that Facebook is stepping up efforts to make its platform more business-friendly. Globally, more than one billion people on Facebook are connected to at least one business on Facebook. Here it’s been revealed more than 80% of kiwi Facebookers are connected to a business.

In a statement, Facebook says: ”We are excited to announce the roll out of two new page sections created to help businesses drive the actions that matter to them: a services section and a shop section.

“Available to all pages in Southeast Asia and other high growth and emerging markets, the shop section provides businesses with a new way to prominently display the products they are selling on their page and allows people to easily discover, browse and make offers to purchase products through messaging from the businesses they care about.”

The services section pages, now available globally to professional services pages (and to all pages in the coming weeks), allow businesses to showcase a list of their offerings on their page. Facebook says the new pages make it easier for people to find the information they are looking for and decide whether to work with the business.

Earlier this year Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg was quoted as saying: “Our focus right now is overwhelmingly on the consumer experience. We’re really looking at the organic activity that’s happening between businesses and consumers,” noting that 1 billion messages of that nature are being sent per month on Messenger.

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