‘Not us’

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“We haven’t worked with Zoetis for years, and were not involved in the pitch,” wrote Special Group ECD Tony Bradbourne, within minutes of our Friday story about the business passing to Federation after a three-way pitch (link at the end of the story).

“Well done to Sharon and the team at Federation,”Bradbourne continued. And good luck to Zoetis – my cows love your products.”

The Federation win news came to us as a press release – but the release did not name the incumbents or the pitchers. So, after a little detective work, M+AD had named them as Special and Hot Mustard.

We deduced this simply by entering Zoetis in the M+AD website search engine – which immediately took us to Special Group and Hot Mustard.

Admittedly, the Special connection was dated June 2014 – but in the absence of other detail, we felt justified as naming them as one of the incumbents.

Mystery agency
Sadly, this proved to be a leap too far – and the second incumbent/pitcher remains a mystery today (and Federation director Sharon Henderson ain’t saying!).

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