You want WiFi with that?

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Lumo, which bills itself as “New Zealand’s newest and most technologically advanced digital outdoor media company”, is giving something back to locals and pedestrians who come in close proximity to their digital billboards – free WiFi.

The technology toolbox Lumo operates includes high-resolution LED, real-time traffic recognition, beacons, WiFi ‘sniffers’, dynamic content management and free high-speed WiFi.

“Each piece of technology offers a menu of options for brands to use to help make their digital outdoor advertising more creative and effective,” says ceo Phil Clemas (formerly ceo at APNO).

“A benefit of having fibre-optic broadband, necessary to operate our toolbox, is the opportunity to offer pedestrians and locals in proximity of any Lumo digital billboard a free WiFi hot-spot service,” he said. “The user experience is amazing due to the 100Mbps up and down speeds.”

This WiFi experience can be used by brands too as it presents an opportunity for a ‘small screen’ extension of their ‘big screen’ presence. Lumo can rename the log-on identifier and change the artwork on the splash page for the period of each billboard campaign.

“Brands can also add a short survey page if they’re interested in collecting a little more information about the users or perhaps even run some sort of activation,” says Lumo’s sales chief Kent Harrison [who’s also ex APNO].

“At the end of each campaign, we provide customers with a report summarising the essential data collected from those who have engaged with the free WiFi service.”

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