Acquire Online’s Zane Furtado has been confirmed as a keynote speaker at the inaugural MMS Programmatic Summit in Auckland next month.
Some of NZ’s largest advertisers, media agencies and programmatic trading desks are expexted to gather in Auckland in a fortnight (on Wednesday 20 September), to learn and share best practice thinking in the growing trading environment.
Zane Furtado, programmatic director at Acquire Online, believes this event will “educate and inspire businesses on the exciting opportunities programmatic offers to drive greater cost efficiencies, scale, attribution and increase advertising ROI”.
He will share his wealth of knowledge on the how to effectively measure a campaigns success and what you should expect from a good trading desk, and will talk about the current tools and the new emerging trends/tech in programmatic media.
“My contribution reflects the event theme, Simplicity, and will help participants understand not only how to get on the road with programmatic but also the levers which are at your disposal to drive better outcomes for your business,” Furtado said.
Acquire Online
Acquire Online is NZ’s largest programmatic trading desk. They are specialists in the automated buying and selling of advertising, with a key focus on delivering maximum ROI for our clients.
Acquire Online is a Deloitte NZ Fast50 growth company. Director Zane Furtado won the Grand Prix at the IABNZ Awards.)
MMS Programmatic
Programmatic media is smarter, faster and ideally should be more effective if planned and optimised well. However, it can seem complex, opaque and confusing. This change means that marketers and media operators feel like they are being left behind when, in fact, their lives should be improved.
MMS Programmatic NZ theme is Simplicity. The goal for this event is that by listening to the speakers and connecting with other Kiwis with their sleeves rolled up doing it, attendees will be able to simplify their programmatic journey, no matter how far they are along it.
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