Bloggers create more posts than magazine brands, but in terms of reach, magazine posts connect with just as many people – but magazine content is four times more likely to be shared than fashion blogger content, creating a richer engagement with consumers.
This from the first edition of Bauer Media online promo sheet The Insiders, which landed in M+AD’s Inbox today,
The Insiders says the results have surfaced from a recent UK study that compared the influence of magazine media and editors to fashion bloggers, and analysed the key chatter drivers behind London Fashion Week.
“Insights into women who are passionate about all things fashion.”
Further content analysis of the blog posts revealed that bloggers were more focused on themselves than brands, and magazines were more likely to focus on advertiser brands, which might explain the greater amplification of their shares.
And from a more commercial perspective, analysis of the dominant language used shows that magazine content has a better ability to reflect positively toward the brand, whereas blogger posts tend to be more personal.
“This,” says the newsletter, “suggests bloggers may play a better role in terms of shifting individual products but magazines can play a longer-term brand building role.”
Bauer commercial director Paul Gardiner said: With New Zealand Fashion Week just been, this is a good opportunity to share some insights into how women are connecting with fashion brands, and women who are passionate about all things fashion.”
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