Ad students create film promo for Les Mills Fight Night

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For the third consecutive year AdSchool students, working with production company Chillbox, have created a film to help raise donations for the Les Mills Fight Night appeal for Curekids.

After a gruelling 16-week training programme the Fight Night volunteers step into the ring this Friday at the Langham –where the film will open the proceedings.

Fight Night is on tomorrow – Friday 11 October.

“When CureKids came into MDS to talk to us, they made the important distinction that CureKids aren’t raising the money for the kids or their families – they’re raising it for research so that the lives of thousands of children can be improved and extended,” said AdSchool programme leader Kate Humphries.

“The winning team’s script unashamedly put that call for money at the very heart of their idea, with the inference that Fight Night fighters are using coins to fix the fight.”

Adding an extra emotional punch this year is that the father of one of the CureKids is stepping into the ring tomorrow night.

“We chose to open up the film with that parent – Jono, because he exemplifies the fact that it’s not just the boxers fighting on the night, it’s also parents fighting for their kids every day,” Humphries said.

“Adding an extra emotional punch this year is that the father of one of the CureKids is stepping into the ring tomorrow night.”

“And, of course, the kids themselves. Which is why we’re also featuring those incredible CureKids kids fighting in this film – including Jono’s son Corin.

Corin has a very rare genetic condition – he lacks elastin in the arteries and veins, which causes them to grow closed. A condition his brother Tyler tragically passed away from when he was just 3 months old.

Also, featured in the film are Tiff, a parent and ambassador for CureKids, and her daughter Eva – who’s been fighting to survive her entire life from a rare condition which continues to drastically endanger her life.

“Shortly after the shoot Eva had had to go back into hospital which was a big reality check,” says student copywriter Adam Redmond. “A few days earlier she’d been giggling and throwing punches at the camera, but hearing how quickly things could change for her was quite impacting and made the project that much more meaningful to us.”

Redmond said: “Ringing in my ears throughout the whole project were Tiff’s words on being told that CureKids had the money to fund research into just one of the conditions that’s made Eva’s fight really hard – as one of the ‘happiest moments in her life’.

“It was inspiring and I do hope that whilst people watch our film and critique it as an ad, they also donate, because that should overshadow everything else.”

  • Visit to find out about the other stars of the night, like Addison and Lukas who also feature in the film.


Client: Mark Michaels, Les Mills Ringside.
Producer: Jonathan Potton
Camera/Editor: Milon Tesiram
Director: Roberto Nascimento
Creative Director: Kate Humphries
Copywriter: Adam Redmond
Art Directors: Roberto Campos & Emerson Hunt

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