Agency pulls Black Friday stunt

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Grey Lynn-based digital marketing agency Done by Friday has changed its name – for today only – to Done by Friday the 13th in an admirably opportunistic self-marketing strike.

“The frightening truth is digital marketing today needs to be a core function – one that connects marketing activity with all aspects of a business and every touchpoint of a customer relationship,” said managing director Boyd Wason in the embargoed e-flyer unveiling the change.

“But making the shift can be scary.”

Actually, while Wason’s reasoning behind the change is entertaining – it is itself a bit scary because his release discloses few real reasons for the change, other than convenient, blatant, wicked self-promotion.

“Today, in a move designed to better support our clients Done by Friday has become Done by Friday the 13th – an inbound marketing agency that focuses on providing specialist content and inbound marketing services to businesses in need of a marketing transfusion, yet too afraid to leave the house,” Wason says.

“Done by Friday the 13th will focus on helping marketers and business owners improve business performance and horror stories through the design and delivery of the best-practice inbound marketing programmes and platforms.

“There’s been a fundamental shift in how businesses are looking to leverage digital, along with the need for killer services to support marketers. Digital has grown from an advertising opportunity, to the lifeblood of a business.”

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