After two rounds of judging entries from Media Design School, AUT and Otago University – judges Rueben Halper from Google, Haydn Kerr from DDB, Thom Darlow from Colenso, and Arnya Karaitiana from Special have announced the final shortlist for the Google Student Axis.
The result is a clean sweep for AdSchool students from Media Design School who scored all four finalist places.
‘We appreciate that tight budgets and deadlines make it very hard for industry to take time out of their jam-packed schedules to champion and inspire the next generation,” said AdSchool’s Kate Humphries. “But when they do, it really puts student learning on steroids.
“So, we owe a heartfelt thank you to all the judges for donating their time; a high five to Natasha Stitchbury from the Communications Council for organising the competition; and a standing ovation to Rueben Halper for a great brief that challenged the students to tell brand stories in a flock of six-second Google bumper ads”.
The four finalists will have their work judged by the Axis judges early next year, and the winning idea will be announced at the Axis ceremony itself.
The finalists
The finalist teams are: Kim & Malik Benbrahim for OPSM Eye Yoga; Ipshita Ipshita & Kelley Isles for Kleenex Trust Us; and to Holly Sutton Williams & Simon Stuart for scoring not one, but two finalist places for Kath-man-du and Resene Art directed by Professionals.
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