How much do you work? Take the test

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Campaign Asia-Pacific is running a poll around overwork in the advertising and marcomms industry, and they (and we) are offering M+AD readers the chance to take part.

Typical questions include: Do you feel like you don’t have enough work hours to complete everything you need to? Are you taking work home regularly? Or have you found the right professional balance?

M+AD will publish the results – hopefully with a workable NZ component – later this month.

Participation will help all agencies, brands, consultants, media platforms and their employees compare their own situations with an industry average. The survey does not single out any individual agencies or employers – we do not ask for any names of firms or individuals.

Campaign has commissioned an independent third-party research analyst to help conduct the survey in accordance with local and global privacy laws. The information collected will be used solely for research purposes. No data will be shared with any third party for any purpose.

Moreover, responses are analysed in aggregate and no specific response will be linked to individual respondents.

The survey takes 10 minutes to complete and your contribution will provide clarity and direction on how the industry can build fair and sustainable workplace practices. We hope you will partake in this important research.

The best way to solve industry problems is to talk about them. So please get involved.

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