NZ Farmer exits print – back in digital

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There’s yet to be an official statement from the publisher, but M+AD believes that NZ Farmer will no longer be published in print format.

“Our last issue was Thursday [June 18],” said Stuff’s Waikato/BoP agrimedia relationship manager Samantha Tennent (who may not been have been an official spokeswoman – but she sure understands media!)

“We, the Agri team, at Stuff, have been disestablished. As of Friday. Last day!”

“There will still be the farming pages in the daily regional papers and the NZ Farmer website will continue to operate.

“There will still be the farming pages in the daily regional papers and the NZ Farmer website will continue to operate.”

“Thank you for your time; I have very much enjoyed working with you and your company. Please do let me know if you have any further questions around this subject and I may see you at Fieldays to say goodbye and answer any further queries you might have.

“My final day with Stuff will be this Friday.”

Samantha Tennent has now set up her own company to encompass her freelance writing, and will also have a fulltime role with Dairy NZ next week.

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