Kiwibank + OMD NZ headline Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit

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Vesna Nixon, head of marketing campaigns at Kiwibank and Nick Ascough, OMD Wellington strategy director, will fly in from New Zealand to present the keynote for the Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit.

The organisers promise “Everything you need to know to keep your finger on the industry pulse, jam-packed in one day”.

Kiwibank’s Nixon has broken barriers between the bank and customers with the TV series Mind over Money.

The pair are the brains behind the cut-through New Zealand TV series, wholly funded by Kiwibank, which airs in primetime on TVNZ1.

“The six-part first season did so well that a second series has recently started airing on TVNZ1.”

Hosted by Nigel Latta, the season one saw an average audience of 436,000 people and was one of the most-popular on-demand shows online.

Ascough led the Mind over Money campaign within OMD.

While the finance industry has typically struggled to foster genuine customer relationships, Mind over Money tackled this head-on by exploring the psychology of money and the consumer’s relationship with it.

The six-part first season did so well that a second series has recently started airing on TVNZ1. Nixon and Ascough will explain the strategy and thinking at the Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit as well as explore the learnings, risks and results.

  • Read the latest in Mumbrella here
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