Marketing agency sets up property sales site

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Auckland digital marketing agency Done Digital has launched a standalone brand for property advertising. Its new brand,, specialises in advertising properties for sale through social media, messaging platforms, as well as popular apps and websites, using the very latest in targeting methods. 

“We’ve been in the social media advertising space for three years, helping more than 300 businesses and charities build millions of dollars in revenue through over 900 projects,” Done Digital founder/ceo Matt Nicholson says. 

“In that time, we’ve helped homeowners and real estate agents sell properties for premium prices by using highly targeted online advertising,” Nicholson said. “It’s been so successful and so many people are asking for the service that we’ve decided to launch a new brand dedicated solely to helping New Zealanders sell their property proactively.” will use tools like geotargeting — in which only people within a specific radius of a house are shown ads — to engage buyer interest online through social media like Facebook. 

The company’s point of difference is its ability to target potential buyers with unrivalled accuracy, based on their location, preferences, budget estimate, and property search history, and merging this with consumer data from more than 10,000 websites and apps.

The social media advertising will complement the work being done by the real estate agent and homeowner with more traditional methods. 

“ uses tools like geotargeting — in which only people within a specific radius of a house see ads.”

“Online advertising is the only thing we do, and we do it well,” Nicholson said. “We’re not there to replace agents, but to support what they are already doing with traditional marketing and ensure they get more opportunities to sell to genuinely interested buyers.

“Right now, too many people are taking a spray-and-pray approach to selling property. They use traditional methods that haven’t changed in decades and rely on potential buyers to find their property amongst hundreds of others.

“This can be a long game in some regions and can even be a waste of unnecessary time and money if it’s not done right.

“Real estate agents are the experts at selling houses to interested buyers and we’re the experts at marketing to get them those interested buyers.

“A lot of homeowners simply rely on their agent to do the marketing but that’s like taking your car to get serviced at the dentist. Plus, it takes away valuable selling time for the agent.”

In addition to using highly targeted advertising techniques, also removes listing competition by only displaying one property per ad at a time, instead of many.

The launch of comes off the back of a rebrand of 2SIX to Done Digital. The new brand acts as a house of sub-brands which includes and other brands.

“The goal is to double down and ensure each brand focuses on doing one thing really well instead of many things pretty well,” Nicholson said.

“It’s part of our strategy as we look to build on the exciting growth we’ve had over the past three years in which we’ve gone from a few people working in an at-home office, to a full team based across New Zealand.”

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