Queen St agency faces liquidation

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Just five days after M+AD published its story about the doors closing at Queen St ad agency Aamplify, the company has gone into liquidation.

The M+AD story caused quite a stir – and was roundly rubbished in a shallow follow-up story in StopPress that quoted Aamplify director Samuel Williams as saying: “Rumours about our demise are grossly exaggerated and untrue”.

Williams had earlier not answered a M+AD request for comment.

“StopPress accepted a brush-off without question.”

“The business is in the process of being sold and we are currently in due diligence with a buyer,” he subsequently told StopPress. “Negotiations which are confidential in nature and commercially sensitive continue and therefore I cannot comment further.”

StopPress accepted this brush-off without question.

StopPress also appears to have not caught up with the liquidation news – at 12.45pm today, the Tangible site was still running their original M+AD put-down story.

Here’s the liquidation notice in full:

(IN LIQUIDATION) (Previously known as Aamplify Limited until 21 August 2018) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF LIQUIDATOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PROVE DEBTS OR CLAIMS Notice is hereby given that in accordance with Section 241 of the Companies Act 1993, the shareholders of the above named company, at 5:00 p.m. on the 21st day of August 2018 appointed Victoria Toon, Chartered Accountant of Auckland, as Liquidator of the above named Company.

The undersigned does hereby fix the 25th day of September 2018, as the day on or before which the creditors of the Company are to prove their debts or claims, and to establish any title they may have to priority under Section 312 of The Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before the debts are proved, or, as the case may be, from objecting to the distribution.

VICTORIA TOON LIQUIDATOR Corporate Restructuring Limited Chartered Accountants Level 12, 17 Albert Street P O Box 10-100 Dominion Road AUCKLAND 1446 Telephone: (09) 302 0759 Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Accredited Insolvency Practitioner (NZ)

It is not known exactly how many staff lost their jobs.

Aamplify is/was a privately held marketing firm that provides marketing advice and services to select technology, software and professional services brands across Australasia. Strangely, when we last checked, the Aamplify website (www.aamplify.partners) was still alive.

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