oOh! panels now dispense fragrances

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NZ shoppers are being treated to a fragrant sensory experience when they interact with Ti Ora’s specially built oOh!media retail panels as part of an out-of- home campaign to showcase three of its tea flavours. 

The ads feature an enticing big red button that when pushed dispenses three scents: lemon honey chamomile and manuka, cinnamon chai with horopito or strawberry pomegranate green tea with kawakawa.

Developed in collaboration between Havas NZ, Auckland’s The Enthusiasts and oOh!, the campaign will appear on panels in Sylvia Park, North City and Northlands – locations that millions of shoppers will pass through during the course of the campaign.

NZ oOh! GM Adam McGregor said the use of scent dispensers in three key locations offered an innovative dimension to the campaign, for the Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE) brand.

“This special build stimulates the sense of smell and through the use of a big red button is generating interest and touch interactivity,” McGregor said. “It has the element of fun that engages shoppers in a more powerful way and also creates a halo effect where people who may not actively engage with the panel will stop and watch others as they interact.

“It is a great example of how innovation is not all about digital, and how through creative thinking our Classic inventory can be a powerful medium to build deeper engagement with audiences.

“Engagement with retail advertising panels in high dwell time shopping environments, makes shoppers more likely to remember brands and influences their future purchase decisions. 

“Retail media delivers impact, engages shoppers and drives them on the path to purchase.”

“It has the element of fun that engages shoppers in a more powerful way and also creates a halo effect.”

The campaign, which runs through to the end of this month, is supported with a further 75 ShopaLive panels nationally and will reach almost 1.1 million unique shoppers according to data from oOh!’s audience measurement system, Craft.

JDE tea brands manager Monique Mahe, who is based in Auckland, said oOh!’s distinctive scented panels were a powerful way to engage consumer on their path to purchase.

“Ti Ora has beautiful and unique scents for each blend which engage the senses as soon as you open the pouch, so it was very exciting for us to find such a clever way of delivering this experience in media,” she said.

“We have worked closely with oOh!’s creative team to recreate scents that match our teas for install in the panels. We now look forward to lots of button pressing and scent influencing!”

Media Director of Havas, Paula Burke, said since the campaign began consumers have reacted positively, with both Havas and JDE being thrilled by the audience response to date.

“oOh! has provided us with a truly unique and innovative campaign that is targeted and excites shoppers about the Ti Ora Teas in a contextually relevant way. “Working with The Enthusiasts and oOh! to create the scent panels in high traffic and valuable locations proved an ideal platform to build awareness of the new variants in an extremely competitive category.”

About oOh!media

oOh! is a leading operator in Australia and NZ’s fast-growing out-of-home advertising industry. We create deep engagement between people and brands through unmissable location-based media solutions. Our diverse NZ portfolio of classic and dynamic signs stretches across retail and universities. We combine this extensive reach with sophisticated data, industry leading insights and world leading digital innovation, integrating our physical inventory with social and mobile online channels to provide clients with greater connections with consumers.

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