The Advertising Standards Authority today launches an advertising campaign across NZ media platforms next week. It’s all about ‘Trust’, says ASA ceo Hilary Souter.
The key messages are: “If an ad is wrong, the ASA is here to help put it right”.
“You should be able to trust the ads you see,” Souter says (in a statement issued Saturday). “If an ad is wrong, the ASA is here to help put it right.”
The ASA sets standards for responsible advertising through its Codes of Practice and dealt withover 1100 enquiries in 2017, including 603 complaints. It helps regulate the content and placement of advertising for all ads in all media.
“The creative work is an adaptation of a successful campaign developed for the ASA in the U.K, by AMV BBDO.”
Souter said: “Following on from the release of the new Advertising Standards Code in July, the ASA is launching an ad campaign to promote awareness of its role in setting and enforcing advertising standards.
The creative work is an adaptation of a successful campaign developed for the ASA in the U.K, by AMV BBDO.
“The ASA is in regular contact with its sister organisations around the world and when we saw this campaign, we thought the key messages were a great fit for us,” Souter said.
“We are very grateful to the ASA U.K. and their agency AMV BBDO for giving us permission to adapt it for New Zealand – and to our members for their continued support.”
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