CD buys assets and business of Aamplify (in Liquidation)

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Samuel Williams, the former managing partner of Aamplify, the Auckland agency placed into liquidation last week, has finally provided some details about the immediate prospects for the future of his company. Essentially, it has now been sold to its creative director, Max Allen.

Williams spoke only to StopPress – and this came only after denying previous M+AD articles that covered the liquidation proceedings and reports of redundancies. He now confirms the company had been downsized and that “some people were made redundant”.

At no time has Williams responded to repeated M+AD requests for any information.

StopPress today reports: “Aamplify Limited (trading name Aamplify) was placed into liquidation after it changed its name back to Digital Evolution Limited. Prior to this, a new company, Aamplify Partners Limited was incorporated and acquired the trading name Aamplify. The new company was incorporated by Aamplify creative director Max Allen.

“Before Digital Evolution Limited was placed into liquidation, its assets, brand and book of business were acquired by Allen and an outside investor. Allen has worked as Aamplify’s creative director since February 2016 and plans to work together with Williams ‘to take the business to the next level’.”

“This is not me making a fortune. This is me as a small businessman and entrepreneur trying to make the best of a bad situation.”

Largest client cut spend
Williams also told StopPress that Aamplify’s largest customer cut its spend significantly, and a number of blue chip clients cut or postponed their spends until next year.

Williams said the company has had two line-up changes, and now has a total of 12 employees. “We have been going through the process of downsizing and there were some people that were made redundant before all this unfolded,” he said.

The remaining employees have been employed under new contracts in new roles by the new entity.

Williams told the site that coverage of the liquidation and sale has been surprising, and, harmful to the transaction and the people involved [M+AD counters that this coverage may have evolved quite differently had Williams been more forthright at the outset].

What is not in dispute are verbatim reports of ex-staffers – many in tears –knocking on recruitment agency doors the next morning looking for jobs.

Williams said: “Rest assured, this is not me making a fortune from something. This is me as a small businessman and entrepreneur trying to make the best of a bad situation.”

  • Read the full StopPress latest version of events here
  • Queen St agency faces liquidation (from M+AD) here
  • Tears flow as Auckland agency goes out of business (from M+AD) here

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