Recruited by a … bulldog

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M+AD Daily has again shamelessly lifted an interview direct from Phantom Billstickers’ entertaining newsletter Phan Mail. This time they’re talking to business development exponent Madison Broome …

Madison came to us because she liked the look of Phantom’s logo – the one and only Raymond Louis. Yes, our bulldog isn’t just a graphic designer’s whim – he’s an actual dog.

After coming on board as a booking coordinator, Madison moved into her current role working with direct clients, but not before some sticky encounters with a lot of glue. Just as well she’s the tenacious type.

Madison, what were you doing before starting at Phantom Billstickers?
“I grew up in Whangaparaoa, just north of Auckland. Although if you mention the Coast to anyone from the city they think you’re travelling from a whole other country.

“Anyway, I was tossing up going to uni, but couldn’t find anything I was fully into, and couldn’t commit to one paper as I had so many things I wanted to do. So I flagged uni all together. Plus school just wasn’t for me – the thought of going to another school made me sweaty.

“I was lucky enough to land a pretty cool job for a translation company. I got into the design area, working with Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and other design software. I also switched between roles such as customer service, desktop publishing and project management, and learnt a lot.

But after five years it was time for a change.”

And that’s where Phantom came in, right?
“Yes, I saw the job of booking coordinator advertised on LinkedIn.

“The bulldog logo was the first thing that got me, and then the job description got me hooked. It described Phantom for exactly what it turned out to be: An absolute madhouse full of amazing people. Props to whoever wrote it!

“I applied, and after an interview and a few emails I was offered the job. Super stoked I got it!”

What’s your current role?
“Direct business development. I’m an account manager for direct clients. Most days I’ll be contacting new and existing clients to see if we can help them out with poster campaigns. There’s a lot of chin-wagging and searching for exciting leads.

“A typical day is creating multiple lists of things to do, then hopefully ending the day with a shorter list – although that doesn’t happen often.”

Everyone at Phantom starts out doing a paste-up round. What was that like?
“Glue. So much bloody glue, in my hair, on my pants, on my shirt. But it was so much fun!

“I think it’s one of those things that makes you really appreciate all of the pasters on the team – they do an amazing job! Me, on the other hand, probably should stick to sales.

“But it’s a cool experience, and it’s super-handy knowing where sites are and how they are laid out, so I have more confidence when booking in campaigns for our clients.”

Can you name a poster campaign you love?
“I love the experiential posters we did for Charlie’s Juice. The posters were designed as trees and we hung real bottles of juice off them for the public to grab.

“We’ve also got something big coming up – it’s a New Zealand first for street posters. Keep an eye out for it!”

What advice would you to people thinking about running a street poster campaign?
“Hit it big, hit it hard.”

Do you have a hero – someone who inspires you?
“It would have to be Frida Kahlo, the Mexican painter. For someone who was bedridden for a long time, she accomplished great things. It shows there is no excuse for not making the most of life.”

  • If you want to tap the enthusiasm of someone who loves her job, and loves helping clients get into street posters, contact Madison Broome here:

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