Violent winds wreck Waikato radio surveys

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HAMILTON, Today: The Radio Broadcasters Association and GfK announced today that fieldwork and data analysis for the Waikato market will not resume until S1 2019 – at the – earliest.

This is due to the severe damage to longer than expected repairs to the Ruru transmission tower that collapsed during a severe localised weather event in September last year.

All stations continued to broadcast with hastily erected temporary towers after a short initial outage but long-term full-power broadcast remains restricted.

“All stations continued to broadcast with hastily erected temporary towers but long-term full-power broadcasts remain restricted.”

“Due to inconsistent coverage against projections it has affected the ability to accurately sample and reflect the listening in the market with any certainty and the decision was made to delay any further surveys until the work is completed,” according to a release sent to M+AD by Gfk Sydney (the official provider of radio ratings for the Radio Broadcasters Association).

“Originally this had hoped to be by the middle of the year but it is now clear it will be the end of the year before the work is completed.

“This means there will be no release for the Waikato market in S3 and S4 2018 and the Total NZ and major markets data will continue to have Waikato data from S3 2017.”

The commercial industry S3 release for the rest of New Zealand will be out at next Thursday 20 September.

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