Blazing saddles – Sweetshop brings the FireFlies back to NZ

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SYDNEY, Friday: The FireFlies Antipodes is calling for riders for its third tour, taking place from Sunday 17 February to Saturday 23 February 2019. The ride covers approximately 1000km from Christchurch to Queenstown. Riders are dedicated to eliminating global blood cancers and leukaemia.

Riding with the spirit and motto For Those Who Suffer, We Ride the tour aims to raise $A100,000 for The Snowdome Foundation and its own fight against blood cancers.

After completing The FireFlies Tour across the French Alps from Lake Geneva to the Cannes Lions Ad Festival in 2013, Sweetshop ceo Wilf Sweetland brought the tour to Australia and New Zealand.

Riders completed the inaugural tour from Christchurch to Queenstown in February 2015 and in 2017 they cycled 1000km+ circumnavigating Tasmania.

Sweetland said: “Fighting for every inch of road is nothing like fighting for every moment of life. That’s why the ride needs to be tough. To date the FireFlies’ four tours (The FireFlies, The FireFlies West, The FireFlies Antipodes and The FireFlies Patagonia) have raised over $A3 million globally for those who truly suffer.

“Fighting for every inch of road is nothing like fighting for every moment of life. That’s why the ride needs to be tough.”

“The support, community and friendships we’ve now grown around this event are extraordinary.

“We are honoured to once again be raising money for The Snowdome Foundation. It’s unlocking new treatments into early phase human clinical trials of next-generation drugs and therapies and making hope real for the tens of thousands of Kiwis and Australians diagnosed every year with blood cancers.

“The call for saddles is now open and welcomes both FireFlies and ‘Virgins’ – those who have not ridden with The FireFlies before.”

The Snowdome Foundation was co-founded by The Monkeys Melbourne ECD Grant Rutherford in 2010 following the loss of his daughter Chloe to leukaemia.

About Fireflies
The FireFlies Tour was established in London in 2001 by advertising executive Sandy Watson Scott in recognition of relatives and friends’ battles with cancer. Each year The FireFlies cycle 1000km+ across the French Alps from Lake Geneva to Cannes and arrive during Cannes Lions Advertising Festival.

RSA Films is the premier sponsor of the tour, which from the outset has been generously supported by the patrons: film directors Sir Ridley Scott and the late Tony Scott. In 2007, FireFlies West was created, an annual ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles raising money for the City of Hope Hospital in Southern California.

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