Spark PR & Activate launches creative-led global crisis simulation

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AUCKLAND, Today: PHD Group/s Spark PR & Activate has announced what it’s calling a “world-first crisis simulation event”, which will launch in early 2019.

CrisisX: The Readiness Conference is designed to challenge organisations’ current levels of preparation for crises. The event will bring together speakers who have been through major crises, while testing business leaders with a live and realistic crisis simulation.

From a data security breach to natural disaster and everything in between, a crisis can devastate culture internally and destroy credibility externally. Despite the risks, research shows 46% of companies don’t currently have a crisis plan in place, and fewer than half of those that do aren’t confident it will be effective.

CrisisX: The Readiness Conference will bring international keynote speaker and author Melissa Agnes to New Zealand for the first time. The author has literally written the best-selling book on crisis management – Crisis Ready.

Agnes will speak about her proprietary framework – the Crisis Ready Model – which has also featured in undergraduate, graduate and MBA course curriculums around the world.

“The Readiness Conference will bring international keynote speaker and author Melissa Agnes to NZ for the first time.”

Other keynote speakers include former Christchurch mayor Sir Bob Parker, and former Air New Zealand ceo Rob Fyfe – both of whom have deep crises experience in high-pressure situations.

Additional speaker panels will cover the areas of data security, brand, events, media and sport.

CrisisX director and Spark PR & Activate managing director Dallas Gurney says attendees will take away three outcomes from the event – inspiration from amazing speakers on crisis readiness; tools to help mechanise their crisis response; and an opportunity to practice like never before through an extensive and realistic simulation.

“We want to push business leaders out of their comfort zones, creating simulations that would allow to them experience what they would in a real-life crisis, and thereby equip them with the tools they need to effectively manage such situations when they do happen,” Gurney said.

“We are planning this event to be as close to the real thing as possible because when it comes to crisis, talking heads is one thing, but the only way to really train for a crisis is to go through one.”

Tickets to CrisisX are limited and can be purchased at

For more information, contact or call Spark PR & Activate on 09 638 1200.

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