The Herald profiles Louise Bond

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AUCKLAND, Saturday: The Weekend Herald has paid a fine tribute to PHD luminary Louise Bond via an in-depth, full-page interview with business writer Damien Venuto (formerly of StopPress). Scroll down for the link to the article.

Bond is transitioning into the role of chairperson for PHD. After 20 years as ceo, she has decided to move into a governance and strategic counsel role. She has also stepped down as president at the Comms Council.

“Choosing to spend more time with my teenagers before they fly the nest is absolutely the right decision for me for now,” she told Venuto in a wide-ranging interview about how the industry is changing and why she’s decided to walk away.

In it, she tackles all the difficult topics, like advertising’s drinking culture, sexism, remuneration models, mental wellbeing, leadership, and clockwatchers.

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