Tourism NZ wants global pitch (updated)

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WELLINGTON, Friday: Tourism New Zealand has put its global media planning & buying business up for pitch, and has issued an RFP notice on the Government Electronic Tenders Service (scroll down for the link).

Interested parties have until close of business on Thursday 21 February (NZ time) to submit their proposal.

The successful global media agency partner would be responsible for activating Tourism New Zealand’s campaign material in target visitor markets across the world. Creative support, brand strategy, and marketing automation is not included within this partnership.

“It’s unclear what effect the pitch will have on Tourism NZ’s domestic agency – Contagion Media.”

The agency must have offices based in Australia, USA, China, UK, Germany, Japan, Singapore and South America, and would work closely with Tourism New Zealand’s domestic and international teams.

The RFP for a global media buying agency is a process undertaken every few years. Blue 449 Sydney is Tourism New Zealand’s current media agency of record.

It’s also unclear what effect the pitch will have on Tourism NZ’s domestic agency – Contagion Media.

The successful agency’s partnership with Tourism NZ will be effective from 1 July.

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