Ogilvy analyst in economics case study

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AUCKLAND, Today: A behavioural economics case study, written by Ogilvy NZ head of behavioural science Vishal George, features in the first 2019 issue of the NZ Research Association’s online magazine InterVIEW (scroll down for the link).

“The EAST framework developed by the behavioural insights team in 2002 enables practitioners to test insights using four simple ways – Easy, Attractive, Socially, Timely,” he writes.

Other InterVIEW content includes:

  • The Perils of Perception by Amanda Dudding (Ipsos)
  • The Changing Face of NZ and Why It Matters by Chris Coomer (Nielsen Media)
  • 5 Trends for market researchers with Sue Cardwell (Public Trust)
  • What the internet can tell us about who we really are, a book review by Duncan Stuart
  • Read it all here

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