Usual suspects dominate Axis shortlist

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AUCKLAND, Thursday: The revised version of the Comms Council list of Axis 2019 finalists (updated late yesterday) contained few surprises, with most categories dominated by Sweetshop, Goodoil, Scoundrel, Finch, Fish, Franklin Rd, Liquid, Special Group, Clemenger BBDO, Colenso BBDO, Saatchi & Saatchi, FCB, DDB, Ogilvy, Alt.vfx, Designworks, Blockhead, Fish&Clips, and Assembly.

Colenso led the field with 64 spots, then came FCB (55) and DDB (51). Around 375 finalists were named in total, from the 96 categories

The main category finalists included …

  • Editing: Fish (1), The Editors (1), Sweetshop (3), Assembly (1), Designworks (1), Ogilvy (1),
  • Goodoil (2), CPD.
  • Cinematography: Goodoil (3), Finch (2), Scoundrel (1), Sweetshop (3), Fish, Designworks, 3&7.
  • Moving Image – 2D Animation: Assembly (4)
  • Moving Image – 3D Animation: Flux (2), Assembly (2), Alt.vfx (1), Goodoil (1), Cirkus (1)
  • Visual Effects: Blockhead (1) Assembly (1), Sweetshop (2)
  • Art Direction: Finch (2), Scoundrel (2), Fish&Clips (1), Assembly (5), Designworks (1), Fish (2), Alt.vfx (1), Eight (1)
  • Direction: Sweetshop (8), Goodoil (5), Scoundrel (2), Assembly (1), 3&7 (1), Motion Sickness (1), Curious (1), Eight (2), Fish (1)
  • Original Screen Soundtrack: Franklin Rd (1), Goodoil (2), Tane Upjohn-Beatson (1), Liquid (2), Assembly (1)
  • Copywriting: Special (1), Colenso BBDO (2), Clemenger BBDO (6), Saatchi (5), FCB (2), DDB (2), Sweetshop (1), BC&F D (1), 99 (1)

There’s many other categories (including Typography, Digital Copwriting, Digital Use of Video, Interface & Navigation, Use Experience, Out of Home/Transit/Ambient, Magazine, Newspaper, Direct, Data, Brand Experience, PR/Social, Design, Charity, Social Media, Mobile, TV/Cinema, Online, Media, Radio, etc, etc.

By and large, these ‘other’ categories are dominated by these names: Sweetshop, Goodoil, Scoundrel, Finch, Fish, Franklin Rd, Liquid, Special Group, Clemenger BBDO, Colenso BBDO, Saatchi, FCB, DDB, Ogilvy, Assembly.

  • They may all be accessed in full detail at the Comms Council website (here).

There were a record number of entries for Axis this year – over 600, and around 375 entries make up the 2019 finalists from the 96 categories that have so far been judged. “This year we are seeing great work coming from all types of agencies and production companies, big and small with some new players welcomed,” said Comms Council ceo Paul Head.

“The broad range of great work that has made it through to finalist should mean that there will be many celebrating at the Axis Award dinner this year.

“The judging panels had lots of great work to rank, and have once again done a great job negotiating this challenge. We congratulate everyone who made it on to this year’s finalist list and look forward to seeing the cream that rises to the top.”

The winners of the 30-odd categories plus the overall Axis 2019 winners will be unveiled at the awards dinner on Thursday 14 March at Sky City.

Event Programme: 

  • Doors open: 6.30pm.
  • Drinks: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm. 
  • Show and Dinner: 7:30 pm sharp 
  • Show ends: 10.30 pm approx.
  • Doors Close: Midnight
  • Cash bar from 10.30 pm. Bar closes at 11.30.

The links:

  • The full shortlist here
  • Buy Awards dinner tickets here

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