Indie online mag debuts

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AUCKLAND, Today: Budding entrepreneurs throughout New Zealand are being given the opportunity to learn from some of the best, thanks to a newly-launched independent website, run by two cousins – Ben & Steven Male.

Kia Ora is an online magazine featuring interviews with top NZ businesses and innovators. 

It’s been launched as a free platform to inform and inspire other Kiwis, including those who run their own businesses or have a dream to.

“Unlike many career pathways, there’s never a clear and predetermined route for entrepreneurs to follow,” Ben Male says. “As an entrepreneur myself, I’ve never found a guide book to setting up your ventures and ensuring they’re successful, so we’ve decided to create next best thing with lessons from some of the entrepreneurs and innovators we admire most.”

“Hopefully, we can inspire the next generation of Kiwis to be a little less modest – and to aim a little higher.”

The Kia Ora website has launched with interviews with the people behind some of New Zealand’s coolest startups, including: Pic’s Peanut Butter, Fix and Fogg, Flick Electric, Sharesies, and Banqer.

Pic tells the story of how he came to create his peanut butter empire from his base in Nelson. He advises those entering the business world to follow their passions.

Stephen Male said:  “We’re interviewing successful Kiwi companies and people to share the tips, tricks, and thoughts behind how they got to where they are today. Essentially, we’re trying to cut down on the tall poppy syndrome and celebrate New Zealand success.

“Hopefully, by doing this we can inspire the next generation of Kiwis to be a little less modest and to aim a little higher.”

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