Mike O: It’s me!

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AUCKLAND, Today: Creative legend Mike O’Sullivan is a man who clearly doesn’t need to keep a high profile to win business. A Google search for his creative agency Many Minds turns up … zilch.

When you finally manage to find their self-titled “reluctant website” there are references to a high-quality stable of work for some big name clients followed by an invitation to “call Mike” for references.

Instead of team photos, you get first names only, plus hand-drawn caricatures . 

His latest creation for AMP seems to follow this idea that less is more by intentionally hiding the client’s brand in the delivery of the campaign that commenced in February and has already reached 88% of its goal.

“Many Minds’ Mike O’Sullivan has agreed to a Q+A session with M+AD. Look for it shortly.”

The IsItMe? campaign attracts interest by addressing people via radio, outdoor and digital ads, with questions such as “650 people in Auckland Central could be missing out, are you one of them?”, directing them to the IsItMe website (scroll down for the link) for the answer.

Mike O’Sullivan said: “Humans like free stuff, particularly if they didn’t think they entered in the first place. How many people say, ‘I never win anything’ when it comes to a draw or competitions?

“That’s why this campaign has worked. It played to the human love of getting stuff for free, and the intrigue of not knowing if you’re a lucky one. What made it even more interesting is the idea that it could be anybody, all they had to do was look online.”

Mike O interviewed
O’Sullivan has agreed to a Q+A session with M+AD. Look for it shortly.


Agency: Many Minds
Exec Creative Director: Mike O’Sullivan
Creative Director: Ollie Maisey
Designer: Rob Chapman
Account Director: Jacqui Lockington
Also: Twenty, Bloodhound, Lily & Louis

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