Film Construction signs Mr Madam Black

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AUCKLAND, Tuesday: Film Construction has added acclaimed Kiwi filmmaker Ivan Barge to its Transtasman directors roster.

With over 40 awards, Barge’s short film Madam Black has overachieved on the world festival circuit. It screened at over 150 festivals, and won the Prix Du Public (Audience Award) for short film at Clermont-Ferrand. It also won Best Short at the 2017 NZ Film Awards.

“Ivan is already very much part of the Film Construction family, having worked as a producer on many projects,” says executive producer Belinda Bradley. “We figured it was time we shouted about that other thing he does so well – directing. 

“He has an amazing gift for story telling with empathy and sharp wit. Ivan will produce some incredible commercial work.

“Ivan has produced over 70 music videos and dozens of tvcs in NZ and Australia for local and international markets.”

“He has produced over 70 music videos and dozens of tvcs in New Zealand and Australia for local and international markets.

“Ivan is a director that enjoys connecting emotion with an audience. With humour or pathos. He has a strong handle on performance and visual aesthetics.”

Festival hit of the year
Clermont-Ferrand director Laurent Crouzeix said: “Madam Black is definitely the festival hit of the year.

“Ivan’s wonderful story probably reached out to a wider audience on the festival circuit than a number of features in theatres this year.”

Shots New Directors section also featured Barge’s first short film Snooze Time.

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