The Taika Waititi juggernaut continues (updated)

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AUCKLAND, Today: TVNZ’s production facility Blacksand, with Shout Media and agency partner Starcom, have created a trailer campaign (featuring Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit) to promote Season 2 of Wellington Paranormal, which returns to TVNZ 2 on Wednesday night (October 16).

Starcom business manager Sebastian van Dyk Starcom said: “Following its cult launch last year, the partners have forged a schedule that offers national scale that connects with Kiwis in moments that align with the cast or programme themes, emerging when darkness takes hold.

“The launch of Taika Waititi’s latest cinematic masterpiece Jojo Rabbit is one cultural event that can’t be missed,” he said.

“Following recent critical acclaim at its premier at the Toronto Film Festival Kiwi audiences are expected to flock to cinemas to see Taika’s latest black comedy, scheduled to premiere on NZ cinema screens one week following the release of the first episode of Wellington Paranormal S2. 

“Whilst we knew the close release dates would be beneficial in driving viewership, we needed a creative solution to reach our core 18-34 year old Taika Waititi fans.

“Working closely with the Val Morgan sales team we have successfully joined forces to ghost the pre-show film trailers across the Hoyts NZ network, stitching Taika’s Waititi’s latest film release with his latest broadcast series.

“This elevates TVNZ’s trailer into a non-commercial environment – a feat not previously achieved in NZ.”

“This elevates TVNZ’s trailer into a non-commercial environment, a feat not previously achieved in NZ.”

Val Morgan NZ sales director Matt Tremain said: “Cinema audiences are primed to pay attention – in fact 97% are present for the pre-show which supercharges brand visibility. We were delighted to collaborate with both TVNZ and Starcom to further create an integrated solution such as following the trailer”

Shout posters
TVNZ/Blacksand have also partnered with Shout Media to bring key street poster sites to life through an ultraviolet execution that appears as night takes hold.

Shout MD Paul Kenny says he was excited to be involved in a NZ-first using this technology in an OOH environment.” From sourcing the lights from China to trialling different print techniques it’s been an interesting couple of weeks. It’s great for the poster industry that we have clients who are prepared to take a risk and try new ideas to make our industry more dynamic,” he said.

“Continuing down the non-traditional route, extra hooks were created across the campaign’s creative elements. The most notable being a hotline number to contact the Wellington Paranormal unit. For eagle-eyed fans, this would be found on the out-of-home posters and street furniture, as well as in a bespoke promo that played ahead of the Ghostbusters movies when they aired on TVNZ Duke in September. Calling the hotline delivers a short audio drama that plays out through a voicemail message, and a link to a secret page on the TVNZ website.

“One of the things I enjoy most about working with TVNZ is that we have the luxury of being able to reach 2,000,000+ Kiwis every single day through their own platforms; this allows us to explore creative media executions that provide cut-through.”

Van Dyk: “This campaign is a perfect example of that, where not one of the campaign elements can be considered a traditional execution.”

TVNZ senior marketing manager Reuben Wiremu said: “Wellington Paranormal is the perfect brand to explore these unique media opportunities – just like the officers in the show, we’re exploring unknown territory.

“The creative team from TVNZ Blacksand, working closely with our media suppliers, truly delivered to the brief and we’re excited to see all the elements in market.”


TVNZ Marketing Manager: Reuben Wiremu
Creative Lead: Matthew Hart
Campaign Manager: Josh Wolfe
Business Director (Starcom): Paul Hamilton
Business Manager (Starcom): Sebastian van Dyk
Media Assistant (Starcom): Sarah Drum

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