Carl’s Jr – the banned Paris Hilton ad

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Yet another Carl’s Jr raunchy television ad featuring Paris Hilton has been banned in NZ by the Commercial Approvals Bureau – and thanks to the freedoms offered by the Internet, sites like this can screen it (above).

News of the NZ banning speedily appeared in news outlets all over the world. Hilton herself tweeted the ad “is so hot, it’s been banned from TV in New Zealand”! The ad also features Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Hannah Ferguson.

This isn’t the first time the fast-food outlet has had its ad rejected by CAB, the body which checks TV ads before they go to air. Last year a similarly racy ad – also starring Paris Hilton – was banned by the CAB.

“Carl’s Jr sent it to us and said, ‘what do you think?’ We replied no, because the ad would have been in breach of the Advertising Standards Authoritys codes,” CAB general manager Rob Hoar told M+AD.

“I don’t think they ever thought we would approve it, I just think they wanted to be able to put out a press release. They did the same thing last year.”

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