AUCKLAND, Thursday: Phantom is offering free posters for every musical act staging a show during Te Marama Puoro o Aotearoa/New Zealand Music Month.
Weekly Phan Mail tells the story: “Whether you play the lute, the flute, or Scandinavian-style death metal, May is the perfect month to bring your music to a live venue.
“Tell your fans. Book your venue. But first, grab your free poster campaign.
“We’ll print and place your posters, so all you have to worry about is sounding great on the night.”
“Go to Phantom’s online booking portal. Book your free campaign of 41 A3 posters in the town or city where you’re staging your gig.
“Why 41 posters?
Well, Phantom pasted its first-ever music poster in 1982. You can work that one out for yourself.
“There are a few terms and conditions: One free campaign per artist or event. First come, first served, and bear in mind we can only offer this package in regions with A3 poster frames.
“We’ll print and place your posters, so all you have to worry about is sounding great on the night.”
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