Convergence PR acquires the majority of Trio Comms client book

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AUCKLAND, Today: An opportunity too good to pass up is how Convergence Communications & Marketing managing partner Leigh Harris describes the decision to acquire most of the client book of a long-established Auckland PR firm Trio Communications.

“We’ve worked with Auckland clients for nearly two decades so the opportunity to really consolidate our presence there was an easy decision,” she says.

Trio Communications was founded in 2002 by Felicity Anderson following a long career in journalism. Her prior media roles included chief reporter at NBR and business producer of TVNZ’s

“Convergence is the country’s only PR agency with offices in both the North and South Islands.”

Anderson was later joined in business by industry maven Brenda Saunders who retired in 2022.

Harris said: “Convergence is the country’s only communications agency with offices in both the North and South Islands, and now occupies a unique position in having consultants located in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown.

“Over two decades the company has successfully delivered the communications needs of hundreds of corporates, start-ups, public sector organisations, not for profits and private individuals – winning more than a few industry awards along the way. These include the Supreme national NZ Public Relations Award in 2012 and 2021.

“Convergence specialises in corporate communications, media training, personal profiling, reputational risk preparedness and hands-on crisis management. It is also one of only a few national PR agencies in New Zealand with a dedicated Government, Regulatory & Public Affairs service in Wellington.

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