Weigh the Eiffel Tower

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AUCKLAND, Today: Phantom marketing manager Tom Horton writes: “Weigh the Eiffel Tower? That’s how much paper our Auckland team recycled last year.

“Phantom runs one of the country’s largest printing operations. Every week we fire up the presses to print enough posters to fill more than 6500 frames. Then we do the same the following week, and the next one too.

“It’s a helluva lot of paper when you add it up over the year.

“How much, exactly? Well, last year we recycled 10,208 tonnes of paper and cardboard from our Auckland operations alone.

“That’s roughly the same weight as the Eiffel Tower and equivalent to 95 adult blue whales.

“Phantom’s partnership with Oji Fibre Solutions means all the posters from our northern operations are collected when campaigns are completed, along with the other waste paper from our business.

New paperproducts
“Oji Fibre Solutions then ensures the waste is reincarnated as new paper products.

“It’s a helluva lot of paper when you add it up over the year.”

“Diverting this paper from landfill has multiple benefits. Not only does it reduce pressure on forests, but the planet is spared the climate-ruining methane produced as paper breaks down in landfills.

“And of course, there’s less pressure to open new landfills in Aotearoa’s precious countryside.

“While we currently only have recycling stats from our Auckland operations, we’re working on compiling the equivalent numbers from our Wellington and South Island teams. We’re pretty confident we’ll add a few more blue whales to the total.

“Watch this space.

Committed to Carbon Zero and beyond
“Recycling paper is just one of the ways Phantom is delivering on its promise of sustainable outdoor advertising. We also use plant-based inks and submit all our operations to rigorous auditing.

“In 2021 we first achieved net Carbon Zero certification from the extremely meticulous auditors at Toitū Envirocare. This audit process is being repeated in 2024, and we look forward to sharing the results with you.

“Keen to find out more about how we all work together to make outdoor advertising a better deal for the planet? Get in touch …

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