Michele Aboud crafts exquisite film for The Raconteur

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SYDNEY, Today: In a beautiful blend of art and storytelling, Michele Aboud brings to life a stunning visual project for Sydney’s luxury fragrance brand, The Raconteur. The film offers a sensory journey.

At the heart of The Raconteur is founder Craig Andrade’s story. The film follows his journey from Sydney’s urban hustle to the peaceful Georgian homestead in Tasmania, where he creates perfumes at Raconteurs Farm.

“I loved exploring creative horizons with Craig Andrade for this film. With his partnership and an incredibly talented crew, I believe we created some real magic.”

From scouting locations through Andrade’s iPhone to carefully choosing wardrobe and props like the iconic ‘Alice’ book from Glee Books in Glebe, Aboud’s dedication to visual perfection shines.

Aboud says, “I loved exploring creative horizons with Craig Andrade for this film. With his partnership and an incredibly talented crew, I believe we created some real magic.”

The collaboration between Andrade and Aboud produced a captivating narrative, perfectly capturing Andrade’s journey and highlighted by Aboud’s sensitivity to the story’s needs.


Director / Photographer / Producer: Michele Aboud
DOP: Glenn Pokorny
1st AC: Max Crosswell
Gaffer: Remi Durrenburger
Editor: Christopher Baron
Colourist: Wassim Bazzi
Sound Editor: James Martell
Model: Tanya Linney
Mad Hatters Party, Stylist: Verity Wood
Bec Deasy: Chee Productions
Belinda Bradley & Perry Bradley: Film Construction

The Raconteur is an artisanal luxury fragrance brand based in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 2019 by Craig Andrade, It specialises in botanical fragrances using Australian native plant extracts. The fragrances are functional, transcend gender, and are handmade in Australia.

View Michele’s Film Portfolio here
View Michele’s Photography Portfolio here

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