Arrivals & Departures: Two welcomes, one fond exit

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HAMILTON, Today: Two newcomers and one “sadly missed” at Waikato’s premium creative advertising agency KingSt.

Olivia Mead has joined as an account coordinator in Hamilton. She has a Bachelor of Media Arts (Public Relations and Advertising) from Wintec and has previously worked in the Wintec marketing team. She has a passion for books, storytelling (“and curating exquisite birthday parties for her nephew”.

The agency has also added talented graphic designer Josh Uerata to the Hamilton team – permanently. Uerata has a Bachelor of Media Arts (Graphic Design) from Wintec and originally joined KingSt in December 2017 for an internship, where he impressed so much they kept giving him contract work.

“KingSt welcomes CVs from senior designers and art directors with over five years’ experience.”

Uerata enjoys cooking, watching movies and doing a bit of animation on the side as a hobby. “We’re really excited to have him on the team,” said agency ceo Chris Williams.

The agency said goodbye to talented senior designer Dan Toth who ended a stint of over five years at KingSt, heading off to take on “some new challenges”.

“Dan contributed to numerous significant campaigns and brand development projects over the years and his talents and kind nature will be missed,” Williams said. “We wish you well with your new adventures!

Hiring now
“As we look to shape the future of our creative team, KingSt welcomes CVs from senior designers and art directors with over five years’ experience.”

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