Spice girls a winner for Kiwi director

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The Sweet Shop’s Steve Ayson – a Kiwi who was an agency creative before reinventing himself as a film director – has been honoured in the UK for a global Old Spice commercial. His tvc Momsong was named Television Commercial of the Year at the Shots Awards, held at the Bloomsbury Ballroom, London.

Arrivals & Departures

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Special Group has appointed Teresa Harris as director of strategy. She’s ex Crispin Porter & Bogusky Miami (four years). Before that, she was a planner at Saatchi & Saatchi London (2008-2010) and has also worked in London at Proximity and Tequila.

MDS AdSchool Portfolio Night next week

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Just one week later – next Tuesday 25 November – Auckland’s other great ad school, MDS AdSchool, holds its own end-of-year Portfolio show. The show runs between 6pm and 8pm at The Roof Terrace Bar at Tyler Street Garage (find it here).

Updated: Clemenger, Colenso, O&M, Republik win in NYC

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Let’s get this right! In yesterday’s report from the Caples, we missed several awards from Colenso BBDO’s result. So here is the updated version: NZ left the Caples Awards in New York City on Friday with four Golds, eight Silvers, and four Bronzes. Clemenger BBDO Wellington won two Golds; Colenso BBDO a Gold, four Silvers and three Bronzes; O&M also scored a […]

Talking turkey

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Retail specialist .99’s new Christmas TVC for New World, currently on air, is a charming, well-put together spot – the understated performance from the young woman is priceless. The bearded gent, Noel (geddit?), is pretty good, too.