Arrivals & Departures

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Colenso BBDO has appointed Ahmad Salim as a Group Business Director: A native of Scotland, Salim cut his teeth at The Leith Agency on international beer brands Grolsch and Sol, and Irn-Bru, a Scottish carbonated soft drink often described as “Scotland’s other national drink” (after Scotch whisky).

Clemenger, Colenso, O&M, Republik win in NYC

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NZ left the Caples Awards in New York City on Friday with four Golds, four Silvers, and a Bronze. Clemenger BBDO Wellington won two Golds, Colenso BBDO a Gold and a Silver, O&M also scored one Gold and one Silver, and Republik won two Silvers and a Bronze.

Arrivals & Departures

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PHD Group’s digital division PHDIQ has promoted digital director Mike Harland to the new role of head of online content: The Mt Eden-based agency says the appointment is intended to better meet clients’ changing needs amid the ongoing digital revolution.

Facebook closes ad loopholes

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Facebook has announced four updates related to privacy and advertising on its site, says chief privacy officer Erin Egan, who is based in Washington DC. These are:

Arrivals & Departures

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Te Papa taps Rick Ellis: Former TVNZ ceo Rick Ellis has left his post as managing director at Telstra Media Sydney to take up the ceo role at Te Papa Museum Wellington.

Arrivals & Departures

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After “a very enjoyable year and a half at String Theory”, senior writer Glenn Wood has returned to freelance “to spend more time with my surfboard”.