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LOCAL CONTENT WORTH THE MONEY: “Back in the early ’90s, Bill Gates and internet guru Nicholas Negroponte both assured me during interviews that I was working in a sunset industry, and that broadcast television would within a few years be obliterated by the Information Superhighway,” writes Bill Ralston in his latest Listener column.

A fairy tale of new work

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Special Group’s TSB Bank Perfect Day launch TVC attempts to illustrate the adage that ‘time is precious’ with an allegory that can only be described as a fairy tale.

Stacking the odds

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Fifty-five per cent of New Zealanders are now using multiple screens while watching TV, up from a global figure of just 48%.

A race against time

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Kiwis’ competitive spirit is behind a campaign from Sky TV and DDB that celebrates the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games by giving people the chance to connect with New Zealand’s great athletes.

Rest home recruits wise old heads

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It’s not easy to paint a convincing picture of a retirement home – a place full of ancient Pakeha striving to look cheerful in the sunset of their lives. But Work Communications has given it its best shot.