World’s best press pix coming to town

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Poignant moments captured in a thought-provoking collection of the world’s most powerful images of 2013 will be showcased at the Auckland premiere of the internationally-renowned World Press Photo Exhibition.

.99’s Effie ads target blog ‘trolls’

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.99’s creative campaign for the 2014 Effie Awards seeks to tackle anonymous “trolls” who post disparaging blogs “that undermine others’ work”. The .99 campaign adopts the view that winning an Effie is the best way to ‘Silence Anonymous’.

A tale of two cities

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FCB NZ has stated the obvious to deflect any collateral fallout from the lingering death and final closure of FCB Australia after 20 years in the market. “From a NZ perspective, this is a fantastic opportunity,” said FCB NZ managing director Brian van den Hurk.